
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Davich: Forge World Daemon Prince!!

This is my first model from Forge World and I am extremely happy. I love the way it looks and the size of the model. It is almost as tall as my soul grinder. the only thing i wish it has is wings which i might try and add later using Games Workshop Bitzs. I am just going to enjoy it right now and let my friends enjoy killing it. 


  1. DDDUUUUUDDDDDEEEE That looks sick. Nice job painting it up so well so quickly too.

  2. It was that quick i worked for hours on it but thanx

  3. Dude, something that size (My dragon, for instance) would take me a week of nonstop work

  4. ahh.. I have fast paint schemes and i paint and quickly I tell you later how I did it

  5. Dragon.... It takes you a week when you factor in Mass Effect 3 and sleeping until 11 >.>
